Copywriting comunity, 29 Apr 2024 01:35:59 +0300 comunity goals - essay introduction sample<p>Little Lessons I&#39;ve learned on my way Lesson 1: Don&#39;t Lose Your Path In his poem, The Road Not Taken, Robert Frost wrote, &quot;Two roads diverge in the woods, and I took the one least traveled by/ And that has made all the difference.&quot; In this poem, the narrator had a choice of two roads. However, I&#39;ve discovered that life is a little more complicated. Sometimes the path we embark on is not always the one we choose. Sometimes we are pushed or pulled in certain directions and we have to react to our environment. My path to a college education has been filled with bumps, potholes, detours and roadblocks. The signs often read &quot;yield&quot; and &quot;do not enter.&quot; The path has not always been... <em>to be <a target="_blank" href="">continued</a>.</em></p>